Efficient your pharmacy billing system by our outstanding expertise in medical billing and coding

Pharmacy Billing Services

Are you facing challenges in an economy where profit margins are constantly shrinking, and competition is on the rise? Are you in search of a system that can automate and streamline your billing management processes? If so, pharmacy billing is the solution you need! Across industries and sectors, businesses are increasingly relying on automation to optimize their management systems. One of the key advancements garnering attention from pharmacists and pharmacy-related industries worldwide is pharmacy billing solutions. This integral part of pharmacy operations demands precision and keen attention to detail.

We are prepared to offer you superior and precise pharmacy billing solutions designed to expedite your billing processes by automating calculations for rebates, taxes, postings, reimbursements, and more. Additionally, we can help you enhance your billing systems by implementing the correct codes for accurate billing.

Services We Offer

Daily Census Updates

Census maintenance holds significant importance in the realm of medical billing as it involves the meticulous record-keeping of patients and payees. This process includes documenting patient discharges, changes in physicians, and other pertinent details. Such information is crucial, especially when your clients intend to submit a medical claim.


Admission marks the initial step in the medical billing process, involving the recording of crucial patient information such as name, age, blood group, medical history, previous prescriptions, diagnostic reports, known allergies, and more

Prior Authorization Document Management

The billing management systems we develop ensure that all authorizations are obtained prior to processing, ensuring that patients are consistently covered by a health plan and minimizing claim denials. Our authorization systems are designed to accommodate various drug categories and emergency levels

AR Follow-Up

We understand that every missed service that goes unbilled directly impacts your bottom line. Therefore, we are vigilant and handle each service with meticulous attention. The primary goal of this service is to ensure that only the services actually performed are captured and billed accurately and promptly

Payment Posting

Payment posting is arguably one of the most labor-intensive tasks in pharmacy billing, but the good news is that we can automate it for you. We will help you streamline manual payment postings, automatically post insurance payments, and significantly reduce data entry time

This is How We Follow the Pharmacy Billing Process

Receive Mail Order

Organizing Prescribed Medicines

Order Placement

Details Verification

Data Conversion Entry

Order Tracking

Medication Refill Check

Billing Management

We seamlessly transform your challenges into success stories. When it comes to healthcare revenue, we stand by your side as your unwavering partners, offering comprehensive support every step of the way.


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